miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

Spoiler de Naruto 437

Shikamaru quiere encontrar a el verdadero pain (Nagato), por eso crea 2 grupos de 2 personas cada grupo.

El grupo de Gai encuentra las ranas que Pain habia derrotado

Neiji:Porque las ranas de Jiraiya-sama estan aqui?


Naruto, es atacado por Pain y no puede moverse.

Rana Ma:Jiraiya y Pa te dieron todas sus esperanzas, no puedes perder!

Pain asesina a Ma
Hinata aparece enfrente a Naruto


Naruto: por que estas aqui?

Hinata: hmm... esta es mi eleccion y mi deseo

(Recuerdo de hinata sobre naruto)

Hinata: Si puedo proteger a Naruto, incluso si muero, estare feliz. HInata:Porque me gustas, Naruto-kun.

Hinata ataca a Pein pero Pain la golpea y.... ella muere?.

Pein: Mis padres fueron asesinados frente a mi tal como en esta ocasion.

Naruto saca 6 colas.......

Pein: Siento mas dolor que tu...

Here come the spoilers.
シカマル達は カツユを通し動けるものに2人1組のチームを作り        
Shikamaru's group. Katsuyu continues moving; One two-man team is formed. A search for the real body was ordered.
ガイ班は ネジが吹っ飛ばされた蛙を発見する
Gai's group. Neji discovers the blown away frog.
Neji: "Why is Jiraiya's frog summon in a place like this?
Gai: "Whaat?"
Something serious is going on...
Back to Naruto's conversation. Tendou black rods are stabbed into multiple places in Naruto's body.
Due to Nagato's chakra, not a single finger can move anymore.
Mama frog goes to Naruto.
"That kid Jiraiya and Papa and everyone have entrusted their lives to you
That's why, don't be deceived by him" Mama shouts something like that.
Tendou uses Shinra-something, Mama frog's dead?
Note: Shinra-Tensei.
Furthermore, Hinata appears in front of Naruto.
天道  「増援?」
Tendou "Reinforcements?"
ナルト 「何ででてきたヒナタじゃそいつにはかなわ・・」
Naruto "Hinata, why? Get out. This person will just brush you away"

ヒナタ 「ウン」
Hinata "Yup".
ヒナタ 「これは私の独りよがり…」
Hinata "This is my happiness".

ヒナタ 「今ここにたっているのは自分の意志」
Hinata "I am here now of my own will."
昔の自分を思い出す…ここからはナルトマンセー思考に 色々あってナルト君の笑顔で救われた!
I remember my old self... From here I was thinking of cheering you on in a variety of ways, yet I was always rescued by Naruto-kun's smiling face.
ヒナタ 「ナルト君を守れるならこの命失ってもかまわない」
Hinata "If it's to protect Naruto-kun, my life doesn't matter."
ヒナタ 「私はナルト君が大好きだから…」
Hinata "I really like Naruto-kun that's why..."
Hinata recklessly attacks Tendou.
ヒナタ 「柔歩双獅拳」
Hinata "Juubusoujiken" (Gentle Step Twin Lion Punch)
Hinata's technique hit's God Realms Shinra Tensei.
Hinata was thrown to the ground...
Tendou drops down and uses the chakra rods on the unconscious Hinata.
「ザシュ」 ヒナタの体からドクドクでる血
Blood is flowing out of Hinata's body.
長門 「俺の両親も俺の目の前で木の葉の忍びどもに殺された     
Nagato: I have killed my parents and Konoha's shinobi in front of me as well. Affection... (remembers something)
ナルト ヒナタが目の前で惨殺された事により     
Naruto: You've murdered Hinata in front of me.... Because of that... Chou Kyuubijin 6 metamorphosis!!! (6-tails. The writing is a mess). Note: Super 9 tailed man 6 metamorphosis lolol
Eyes are visible, coming out in front, a black figure, A 6 tailed-animal wearing the skull of a youko (fox demon)     
Even seeing this really horrifying figure, Tendou (Nagato) is unfazed.

Tendou (Nagato) "Let me see if your Pain is comparable to mine."

The end.
Esperemos que se trate de un fake amigos aunq pareciera q tiene algo de cierto las imagenes
que muera hinata seria un golpe bajo, en cuanto tengamos mas informacion lo sabremos.

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